The Campaign for Free Expression


Defending and enabling free expression for all

Campaign for Free Expression is a non-profit organisation dedicated to protecting and expanding the right to free expression for ALL, and enabling EVERYONE to exercise this right to the full, whether it by speaking out, by protesting, by revealing information, by blowing the whistle on wrong-doing, by arguing, debating, writing, painting, composing or just by shouting out your opinion.

We are strictly non-partisan and fiercely independent. We don’t care what your view is: if it is legal, we will defend your right to have it, express it, argue it and fight for it. And if anyone or any circumstance is blocking your free expression, we will do what we can to expose and unblock it. It might be in the streets, in your workplace, at public meetings, on your campus, in any public space; it might be you alone or a vast mob of people; it might be that you are shouting, or singing, waving a sign with a message, or making provocative gestures with your hands – we are there to try to ensure that you can express yourself and take part in public life freely and openly.

Displeased black woman participating in anti racism demonstrations and shouting through megaphone.

We seek to build the widest possible coalition of organisations and individuals who care about the right to free expression. So, no matter what your views on other topics, if you support this fundamental right, then please fill in the Contact Us page and we will put you on our mailing list. In the near future, we will start a Friends of Free Expression (FFE), and invite you to join us in the fight to defend and expand free expression for all.

What we do

Our aims are to:

As a still new organization, CFE is expanding its organisation and activities. These currently include:

Our work is based on the following core values:

CFE's Four Strategic Pillars.

CFE has four strategic pillars to guide us on what we do and how we prioritise

Advocacy And Lobbying Legal Support Media Monitoring And Response Research And Publishing
Awareness raising
Offering legal interventions in FoE violation cases
Monitoring and identifying FoE issues and developments
Producing annual ‘state of FoE’ reports
Capacity building
Providing legal support for individuals under attack for exercising their right to FoE
Responding to FoE violations and developments
Producing organisational annual report
Regional and international mechanisms engagement
Engaging in strategic litigation
Producing media content related to media monitoring
Producing policy briefs and primer documents
Petitioning and government lobbying
Monitoring, influencing and proposing changes to law and policy
Identifying trends and patterns
Producing and conducting thematic and/ sectoral research reports
Giving interviews
Traditional media campaigns
Social media campaigns

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."


CFE currently has five directors  

Board Of Directors 

Staff Members


Atang Matiea

Communications, creative and graphic design


Catherine White

Communications, head


Ditiro Motlhabane

Botswana Correspondent


Jack McBrams

Malawi Correspondent


Sesi Makhanthisa

Operations Manager

Sign Up
To Follow US

Our newsletter will keep you abreast of developments that affect free expression.
Displeased black woman participating in anti racism demonstrations and shouting through megaphone.

Affiliations and partnerships

CFE has affiliations and partnerships with a number of local and international organisations. These include:

LNJARCFE is a member of the Legal Network for Journalists at Risk (LNJAR). LNJAR provides journalists and independent media outlets around the world with critical legal support to protect their continued reporting on issues of vital public interest.

Media DefenceMedia Defence provides legal help to journalists, citizen journalists and independent media across the world.

Defend our democracy“Our people fought for and chose constitutional democracy as a bulwark against fascism and dictatorship … We call on all people of goodwill to vigorously oppose [the] threat to our democracy and to stand united against those intent on violating the values and principles embodied in our Constitution.”

SOS CoalitionThe SOS Coalition is a public broadcasting network that campaigns for democratic media and broadcasting, as well as excellent programming by the public broadcaster.